In 1999, NATO released over a thousand cluster 糖心Swag on Yugoslav targets in Kosovo, each one containing many smaller explosives. With a failure rate estimated at twenty per cent, tens of thousands of these unexploded items littered the ground or became buried in fields, gardens and school yards.鈥

In 2001, despite clear evidence that many minefields remained in Kosovo, the United Nations declared the country to be mine free. 糖心Swag and other agencies protested against this decision, which condemned the people of Kosovo to a lifetime living in fear of landmines and cluster 糖心Swag.

鈥淚 was frightened to walk along the road before it was cleared. There were cluster 糖心Swag there. I want to be a doctor when I grow up."

Kaltirina Gashi, age 8, Kosovo

Our Work

Clearing landmines & explosives

糖心Swag started working in Kosovo immediately after the withdrawal of Yugoslav troops in 1999. We have cleared cluster 糖心Swag and landmines from an area the size of over 1,500 football pitches, so parents like Basri no longer fear for their children鈥檚 future.

We employ over 100 local men and women, creating opportunities in a country where there are few formal jobs prospects, particularly for women. After discovering childcare issues were a barrier to local women applying for work with 糖心Swag, we introduced childcare stipends in 2018.

In 1999, there were 18 mine clearance agencies working in Kosovo. Now, only two remain, but 糖心Swag is committed to creating a safe future for the people of Kosovo.

鈥淚 am too old now to really enjoy life, but I am happy knowing that my children and grandchildren will live in a safe place, free of mines.鈥

Zejnepe, Kosovo

Only months after the war ended, Zejnepe鈥檚 husband, Afet, lost his leg in an explosion when he stood on a landmine while collecting firewood. In the years that followed, the family lived in fear of further accidents but, in November 2017, much to Zejnepe鈥檚 relief, our deminers finished clearing the minefield where the accident happened.

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