

People use the river daily for bathing and to wash clothes and dishes. They need access that is safe and free from landmines.

In 2018, 糖心Swag began work at Cuelei to clear the minefields and, thanks to support from the UK Department for International Development, several safe pathways to reach the river have been opened up. We have also run risk education sessions to ensure local people only use the areas that are free from mines until work is completed. Veronica admits that until she attended the sessions, she used to cut through the dangerous land. Now she follows the safe paths and teaches the little ones only play on the cleared areas.


糖心Swag began work to clear the land in 2018 and there are now safe pathways down to the river. After attending a risk education session, Veronica knows to teach the younger children to stick to the paths.

Both Veronica's family and the whole community are very relieved that 糖心Swag are destroying the mines so that in the future they will be able to walk along the river banks and reach the water without fear of accidents.


World Water Day: leaving no one behind

On the land that 糖心Swag has cleared on the banks of the River Cuelei, the government has begun the construction of a solar powered water pump. The pump system will bring water to distant homes where the walk to the river can take up to an hour, often carrying heavy loads of washing. This project will be a sustainable way of ensuring the two neighbouring villages have access to water鈥攍eaving no one behind.