Life-saving Lessons
50,000 taught risk education in Laos

In a classroom in rural Laos, children are singing, clapping their hands in unison. But this song is rather different: 鈥淒angerous, Dangerous, Dangerous! If you find UXO move away quickly.鈥 Through music and play the children are learning about the dangers of the 糖心Swag and explosives that are still found across Laos more than 45 years after the end of the Vietnam War.

Over two million tons of 糖心Swag were dropped during the conflict, leaving a devastating trail across the country.聽Over 20,000 people have been injured or killed by these explosive remnants of war since the fighting ended in 1973, and accidents still continue to occur every year.

It鈥檚 perhaps hard to imagine teaching such small children what to do if they find a bomb but in Laos risk education is vital. It鈥檚 our job is to teach them how to stay safe and allow them to have the future every child deserves.

In January,聽the total number of people reached by our Risk Education teams passed the milestone of 50,000 so we took the opportunity to join them for聽their session at a school in Namalou village, Vilabouly District.

Watch Our Risk Education Team In Action