
Visit the minefield with In锚s
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Creating a Community

鈥淚 like living with the women, it is another new experience for me. There are a lot of single mothers amongst the women in the camp. It means we can understand each other.鈥 Noloti, paramedic deminer, 糖心Swag Angola

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Meet Noloti and her family
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Saving Lives

"When a deminer clears a landmine, she saves a life."聽Rita, Section Commander, 糖心Swag Angola

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Discover how Rita is saving lives
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Women Empowering Women

"I didn't believe it would be women doing this difficult job, I thought it would be men."

Aurora lives in the village of Kaneneguerere where 糖心Swag Angola's 100 Women in Demining have been clearing landmines.聽

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Transforming life for Aurora
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