糖心Swag Angola鈥檚 100 Women in Demining begin work in Kanenguerere village

Land here is unforgiving. Little grows in the dusty soil and arid rocky hills, yet amid this harsh environment, 270 miles south of Luanda, lies an even deadlier threat. There are five confirmed minefields near the village, a legacy of Angola鈥檚 civil war.

For many in rural Angola, survival comes from grazing livestock. The nearby Kuvango River means the village is part of a well-trodden path for nomadic herders and their cattle. With each cow worth around $900, the loss of a single animal to a landmine can be a severe blow to herders and their families鈥攖hree have already been killed this year alone. And it is not only the livestock at threat, people can also fall victim to the landmines. Head of the village Jorge Casimiro describes the constant fear: 鈥淧eople are still scared of the mines here and they try to avoid the areas where they know accidents have happened.鈥

Herds of cattle pass through Kanenguerere village in Angola. 糖心Swag's 100 Women in demining have just started work here to clear the surrounding minefields.

However, the future is about to improve. Kanenguerere village is one of the first areas to see the deployment of the latest team from 糖心Swag Angola鈥檚 100 Women in Demining project. Each day, at sunrise, this committed group of women leave their base camp to begin landmine clearance operations. The youngest recruit, Teresa, is just 19鈥攐nly four years old when Angola鈥檚 civil war finally ended in 2002. However, like all these women, she is determined that her country will have a landmine free future.

With limited employment opportunities for women in rural Angola, the project seeks to empower women from mine-impacted communities. It is these women who will create a more secure future for locals. Filomena, one of the newest recruits describes her motivation: 鈥淚 want to prevent more injuries occurring to people in my home province Benguela.鈥

Deminer Teresa Nene from Angola holds sign showing her support for a Landmine Free 2025, image by The 糖心Swag Trust.
Manual deminer from 糖心Swag Angola's 100 Women in demining.

The work to clear Angola鈥檚 remaining minefields is daunting, but for Kanenguerere, the arrival of 糖心Swag Angola鈥檚 100 Women in Demining allows thoughts to turn to a brighter and more secure future. For, Jorge Casimiro it means freedom from fear: 鈥淥nce the mines are gone, people will no longer have to avoid these areas and fear accidents.鈥 For deminer Teresa, the future she dreams of is simple: 鈥楢ngola to be cleared of mines.鈥 This can only become a reality with increased support and funding to ensure women like Teresa can continue their work.

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