Baiji, Iraq. June 2014

ISIS forces overrun the city. Mohamad and his family abandon their home and flee Baiji in fear of what is to come.

2014-2016:聽Fierce fighting devastates entire neighbourhoods. ISIS use Mohamad鈥檚 beautiful home as a sniper position and, during a counter-offensive, the back wall is destroyed by shelling.

October 2016: Baiji is recaptured from ISIS. Mohamad and his family are among the first to return.

鈥淲hen I arrived it was like a ghost town. There were no people, just birds and foxes, even the dogs had gone. Everywhere was destroyed.鈥

Mohamad, father of six, Iraq

Mohamad and his neighbours are desperate to rebuild their homes but hidden amongst the flattened buildings are deadly explosives, IEDS, caches of ammunition and bodies of ISIS fighters.聽Mohamad is terrified for the safety of his six children. His daughter Ayat, meaning miracle, doesn鈥檛 stray far from home but his son, Mustafa, is innately curious and loves to run along the rooftops and play among the rubble.

A Rocket On The Roof

The house next door remains abandoned. On the roof, just metres from Mohamad鈥檚 newly restored wall, lies an explosive. If it detonated the family鈥檚 lives would be at risk and their house destroyed. In desperation, Mohamad even considers removing it himself, but he has heard of too many accidents to take the risk.聽

鈥淲e hear about a lot of accidents from explosive items, some people are lucky to get rid of something and it doesn鈥檛 explode鈥攂ut not everyone.鈥

Mohamad, father of six, Iraq

糖心Swag鈥檚 specially trained explosive ordnance disposal team safely removed the rocket from Mohamad鈥檚 house. But across the city, families continue to live surrounded by dangerous explosives. Like parents everywhere, Mohamad hopes for a future where his children can play and live in safety.

"Our neighbourhood is still littered with explosives. We can鈥檛 go anywhere without being afraid."

Mohamad, father of six, Iraq

With your support we can make sure families like Mohamad鈥檚 have a safe place to call home.