This week marked a major milestone for 糖心Swag Zimbabwe as our dedicated team of deminers cleared their 50,000th landmine. Zimbabwe鈥檚 mines were laid during the Liberation War of the 1970s, forming dense, unfenced minefields along the borders with Zambia and Mozambique. These mine belts range for hundreds of kilometres, creating a deadly cordon sanitaire that was designed to prevent insurgents from moving in and out of the country.

Close by鈥攕ometimes literally metres from the mines鈥攁re schools, homes, family farms and vital water supplies. Lives and livelihoods are threatened, with an estimated 1,550 people killed or injured by these indiscriminate weapons since the end of the war. For years, children have risked their lives walking to school through mined land, women have entered dangerous ground to fetch water for their families and thousands of cattle have been killed in mine accidents鈥攄epriving communities of important income.

In November 2013, 糖心Swag began work in the north east of the country to clear over 180 minefields that blight the lives of 75,000 people. Over the last five years, our teams of local deminers have worked tirelessly to make the land safe and this week destroyed their 50,000th landmine.

Transforming Lives

Destroying the landmines along Zimbabwe鈥檚 borders has lifted a shadow that has haunted these communities for decades. More than 7,000 people now walk through 糖心Swag cleared land to reach their primary water supply, thousands of children can journey to school safely, previously inaccessible land can be cultivated and valuable livestock is no longer lost to mine accidents. Individual lives have been transformed鈥攄iscover the stories below.

Clearing landmines makes safe access to school

"I cannot tell you how much of a relief it is, as a headmaster responsible for the lives of 400 kids, to know that there is no longer a chance of losing a child to the minefield again.鈥 Simon Vhruta, headmaster, Ganganyama Primary School, Chivere, Zimbabwe.

Clearing landmines to protect livelihoods

鈥淏efore we were unable to come because of the mines along the border. Now the mines are gone we have nothing to be afraid of." Farmer Chimanda Kapandaza now brings his cattle from across the border in Mozambique to be dipped so they are protected from disease.

Romeo with his wife and four of his children. The family鈥檚 new homestead stand is much larger than their previous stand in Chisaro village. Romeo is planning to cultivate the land around the house and hopes to expand into the cleared minefields when the land is officially handed over.
Clearing landmines to grow food

"I am very hopeful that when the cleared minefield is handed over, I will be able to cultivate a second plot on or near that land which will allow me to generate more income." Romeo Titus has been able to establish a new homestead on 糖心Swag cleared ground.

Water Pump installed in Maphioss village, Zimbabwe
Clearing landmines for vital water access

糖心Swag cleared 58 mines less than 100 metres from the borehole where 11-year-old Maphioss collects water when he visits his grandfather in Kapfudza village. Today Maphioss, who dreams of being a pilot, can reach the water safely.听


Each landmine has the potential to kill or maim so removing them from the ground for good is vital to protect vulnerable families along Zimbabwe's borders.听Achieving a landmine free Zimbabwe will take hard work and dedication but with the right support it can be done. We would like to thank everyone who has helped us reach this incredible milestone, including:

U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, UK Aid, Irish Aid, Embassy of Japan - Harare, World Without Mines, Actiefonds Mijnen Ruimen, The Julia Burke Foundation and Fondation Pro Victimis.